In general, a 6' rectangle table can handle 6-8 people. A 8' rectangle can handle 8-10 people. A 60" round can handle 8-10 people. A 48" round sweetheart table can handle 4-6 people.
We offer 4 main types of tents:

Hi Peak tents are our most popular tents and come in sizes from 20×20 to 20×140. They have a classic peak look with no center pole on the ground.

Pole tents come in 20' wide (with lengths to 40') and 40' wide (with lengths to 100') They are centered pole supported with less metal frame work to complete that dramatic peaked look. 20' wide tents are perfect for any backyard event while our 40' Epic Pole tent is perfect for weddings and other special occasions.

Keder Frame tents come in 20' and 30' widths with lengths up to 170'. They are frame supported with no center poles and high interiors to create a unique spacious look.

Frame Tents are a more classic look with a complete metal frame inside holding up the top. These can be used in the winter and unique installations. There are no center poles.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to call us any time at: 856-745-1510

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